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How People Drive Success at Stitch Fix

When looking back at the various teams I’ve been part of throughout my career, I often think about what made certain teams successful, and why others struggled more? Learn how Stitch Fix teams are built for success.

The Hive Meta-metastore — Keep a record of your records

The Hive Meta-metastore is part of our recovery mechanism, and once we built it we realized it had other benefits as well. ... Even if you don't have a Hive Metastore, we hope you consider the benefit of building self-service recovery tools in general.

Introducing our Cultivating Algorithms Visualization

Today we are launching a new interactive visualization. This piece describes the organizational structure, roles, and processes that allows algorithmic capabilities like those depicted in the tour (and many others) to organically emerge.

Multithreaded in the Wild

See who's out in the wild for the month of March.

Multithreaded in the Wild

See who's out in the wild for the month of February.

Multithreaded in the Wild

See who's out in the wild for the month of January.

Want to make good business decisions? Learn causality

In some organizations, earnest efforts to be “data-driven” devolve into a culture of false certainty in which the influence of metrics is dictated not by their reliability but rather by their abundance and the confidence with which they’re wielded.

Newsvendor Problem – The Tale of the First Formula in the Textbook

An introduction to the Newsvendor model and exploration of challenges when objectives are cross functional.

2019 Summer Intern Projects

A sampling of the projects and areas of research done by our 2019 summer interns.

Many Roads to the Algorithms Team at Stitch Fix

The diversity of the problems we work on, and the data-rich environment of our business, make it more than possible, even essential, to bring the tools of multiple disciplines to bear on our hardest problems.